Become a Sponsor
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Or mail your donation to:
Friends of HSTJ
641 E San Ysidro Blvd #B3-431
San Ysidro, CA 92173
Make checks payable to: FHSTJ
For more ways you can support FHSTJ CLICK HERE
Save a Life by Becoming a Sponsor
Be a responsible donor
Before you donate to an animal charity, the minimum you should ask is:
- Is the organization approved by the IRS as a charity? Do they publish their IRS number so that you can avail yourself of the information if you choose?
- To whom do they pay salaries and for what?
- Do they provide donors with periodic reports?
FHSTJ can respond to these questions:
Friends of Humane Services in Tijuana is an IRS approved 501 c 3 charity #77-0704404. Contact information: Direct your questions to the above address or by email to [email protected]
To assist volunteers, FHSTJ has three part-time employees for an average weekly combined total of only 38 hours a week. They assist volunteers by providing logistical support, record keeping, finance, and communications No monetary or in-kind compensation is given for volunteer or board member service. That is why we do so much with so little. FHSTJ provides donors with two reports a year. Donors can review FHSTJ’s work by visiting the web site:
Sponsorship is vital to the continuation of FHSTJ’s programs of sterilization and education about the humane treatment of animals:
- $5 is the cost of one mange treatment – a dog infected with mange usually requires 2-3 treatments.
- $10 is the cost of an initial veterinarian evaluation and vaccination for a cat or a dog.
- $20 is the average cost to provide initial treatment for a rescued cat.
- $30 is the suggested cost to provide initial treatment for a rescued dog, including Spay or Neutering.
We are a volunteer organization. With the exception of very basic administration expenses, your donation goes directly to the support of the animals.
When you make a donation you help us to save animals from a life of starvation, disease, pain and fear. Your generous donations are making a difference.